Manufacturer: Edition Offenburg

Erlebach, Philipp Heinrich (1657–1714): Ouverture III, in C
– set of parts

Product no.: ER6041-R3

Manufacturer: Edition Offenburg

28,00 EUR

  • weight 0,28 kg

product description

for 6 instruments (Premier + Second Dessus, Haute Contre, Taille, Quinte und Basse), from "VI Ouvertures … nach französischer Art und Manier" (Nürnberg 1693). The VI Ouvertures are one of the few surviving works of Erlebach and surely a magnificent example of the Central German orchestral works from the late 17th century. parts. Edition Offenburg.

Ouverture, Air, Bourrée, Air, Menuet, Trio, Courante, Trio, Ballet, Gavotte, La Plainte, Le Sommeil, La Réjoüissance


Manufacturer identification

Name: Edition Offenburg
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City: Offenburg
Country: DE
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