Manufacturer: Edition Offenburg

Blow/Purcell/Devlieger after Lully: Three English Grounds

Product no.: GR3216

Manufacturer: Edition Offenburg

19,80 EUR
incl. 7 % VAT

  • weight 0,28 kg

product description

for 2 treble recorders & b. c., edited by Jan Devlieger. This album brings together three grounds from the English Restoration repertoire: Purcell’s famous Two in one upon a Ground, an adaptation by Blow of a trio for two violins and bass, Ground in C minor and the newly composed Mr. Baptist of France his Ground. In line with the composition and performance practice of that time, the last ground resulted from ornamenting and improvising on several existing English pieces based on Lully’s popular Scocca pur tutti tuoi strali.


Manufacturer identification

Name: Edition Offenburg
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Country: DE
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