Thomann, Anja (*1981): Back to Basics

Product no.: EW982

Manufacturer: Edition Walhall

21,80 EUR

  • weight 0,28 kg

product description

A Practice Book for the Transverse Flute. Almost all exercises are based upon fragments from historical sources and cover all important areas of technique: articulation, finger-technique, intonation, and tone-development. With “Back to Basics” it is possible to practice fundamental tone and technique historically informed. This edition is recommended by Prof. Michael Schneider (“This technique … belongs on the music stand of every baroque flute player …”) as well as Prof. Karl Kaiser (“… a thoroughly convincing system. These historically based daily exercises should be of great use for every baroque flute player.”)

 German original edition


“What we have here is a carefully thought-out collection of useful exercises from flute methods of the eighteenth century, compiled and systematically arranged by Ms. Thomann. This is not a progressive method, although the exercises gradually become more difficult. The most important fundamentals of playing the transverse flute are treated in separate sections, which one can or may want to also work on in a different order or, as needed, individually. Whoever does not want to develop his/her technique with the aid of compositions, but rather of goal-oriented etudes, will find very suitable material here.” 
Prof Dr Barthold Kuijken

„... übersichtlich gestaltetes Heft für den Einstieg ins Traversflötenspiel sehr zu empfehlen.“ 
Das Orchester, 03/2017
„Das überaus reichhaltige Heft, eher schon Buch, endet mit einer ausführlichen Grifftabelle und einer Trillertabelle, die mit hilfreichen Tipps zur Intonation ergänzt sind. Für einen grundlegenden Aufbau von Ton, Technik und Artikulation auf der Traversflöte ist diese übersichtlich gestaltete Publikation eine grosse Bereicherung, da die wesentlichen Aspekte in einem Heft zusammengefasst sind." SCHWEIZER MUSIKZEITUNG, 11/2017
„Back to Basics liefert einen interessanten Denkansatz, der im Vorwort gut erläutert wird. Ihr bester Literaturhinweis sind die Solfeggi von Quantz.“ TIBIA, 3/2018
„Back to Basics ... is a flexible practice book with an overtly broad mission and scope. Quantz provides melodies, scales, and arpeggios beautifully written and appropriately chosen for every key. Thomann’s other sources (i.e., Corrette and Lusse) also offer wonderful guidance on how to play the Baroque flute. ... it opens a window for discoveries through research and practice its own sources.“ THE FLUTIST QUARTERLY, Winter 2019


Manufacturer identification

Name: Edition Walhall - Verlag Franz Biersack
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Country: DE
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