Manufacturer: Edition Güntersberg

Abel, Carl Friedrich (1723–1787): Concerto E-Minor

Product no.: G390

Manufacturer: Edition Güntersberg

39,80 EUR
incl. 7 % VAT

  • weight 0,28 kg

product description

for transverse flute concertato, 2 violins, viola and basso, AbelWV F 14, edited as first edition by Günter von Zadow and reconstructed by Wolfgang Kostujak. This concerto is very unusual in that all three movements are in minor keys. Abel's style shows surprising similarities to Mozart's: above all, the apparently endless resource of charming melodies. Both composers have a charming facility to introduce new and unexpected thmes into their development and solo sections. Edition Güntersberg

Score and parts

„Die Konzerte repräsentieren einen italienisch-süddeutschen, melodiösen prä-mozartschen Tonfall mit klaren Periodenbildungen, symmentrischen Konzeptionen, lyrisch-kantablen Mittelsätzen und sinnlichen ‘Klangwelten’. Es handelt sich um traumhaft schöne, sorgfältigst recherchierte Ausgaben.“ Michael Schneider, TIBIA, 05/2022


Manufacturer identification

Name: Edition Güntersberg
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Streetaddress: Langgarten 13
ZIP Code: 69124
City: Heidelberg
Country: DE
Phone: 06221-782403