Graupner, Christoph (1683–1760): Erwachet, ihr Heiden, kommt zu Hauf

Product no.: BE02

Manufacturer: Berck

28,50 EUR
incl. 7 % VAT

  • weight 0,43 kg

product description

Cantata for Epiphany (1734) for soprano, (alto), tenor, bass, chorus ad lib., Viola d'amore (violin 1), violin 2, viola, violoncello & b. c., as first edition edited by Heinz Berck. Graupner's instrumentation in his compositions is exceptionally diverse as the ever reoccurring use of the viola d'amore shows. The cantata is very effective even in small ensemble with no chorus. Score and parts, Heinz Berck publishing


Manufacturer identification

Name: Selbstverlag Heinz Berck
E-Mail adress:
Streetaddress: Breslauer Straße 48
Address addition: Inhaber: Helga Berck
ZIP Code: 63303
City: Dreieich-Sprendlingen
Country: DE