2 Voices

Bartlett, John (17. Jh.): Three Songs with Lute & Viol

Product no.: Bar2

Bartlett, John (17. Jh.): Three Songs with Lute & Viol

17,50 EUR

excl. shipping costs

Bernier, Nicolas (1665-1734): Diane et Endimion

Product no.: Ber1

Bernier, Nicolas (1665-1734): Diane et Endimion

17,00 EUR

incl. 7 % VAT excl. shipping costs

Blow, John (1649-1708): Two Duets with Violins

Product no.: Blo1

Blow, John (1649-1708): Two Duets with Violins

19,80 EUR

incl. 7 % VAT excl. shipping costs

Buxtehude, Dieterich (1637-1707): Mit Fried und Freud - Klag-Lied

Product no.: G110

Buxtehude, Dieterich (1637-1707): Mit Fried und Freud - Klag-Lied

19,00 EUR

incl. 7 % VAT excl. shipping costs

Carissimi, Giacomo (1605–1674): Cantate

Product no.: CB014

Carissimi, Giacomo (1605–1674): Cantate

19,90 EUR

excl. shipping costs

Castaldi, Bellerofonte (1580/1–1649): Primo Mazzetto di Fiori 

Product no.: CB018

Castaldi, Bellerofonte (1580/1–1649): Primo Mazzetto di Fiori 

27,50 EUR

excl. shipping costs

Charpentier, Marc-Antoine (1643-1704): Litanies de la Vierge

Product no.: Cha1

Charpentier, Marc-Antoine (1643-1704): Litanies de la Vierge

21,80 EUR

incl. 7 % VAT excl. shipping costs

Corrette, Michel (1707–1795): Messe pour le tems de Noel

Product no.: EW696M

Corrette, Michel (1707–1795): Messe pour le tems de Noel

2,90 EUR - 19,80 EUR

excl. shipping costs

Eccles, John (?1668-1735): Sleep, poor youth (The Dirge)

Product no.: Ecc1

Eccles, John (?1668-1735): Sleep, poor youth (The Dirge)

16,00 EUR

incl. 7 % VAT excl. shipping costs

Grandi, Alessandro (1577-1630): Angele Dei qui custos es me

Product no.: EW600

Grandi, Alessandro (1577-1630): Angele Dei qui custos es me

11,50 EUR

incl. 7 % VAT excl. shipping costs

Grandi, Alessandro (1577–1630): Drei Motetten für zwei Soprane

Product no.: EW604

Grandi, Alessandro (1577–1630): Drei Motetten für zwei Soprane

24,00 EUR

incl. 7 % VAT excl. shipping costs

Hall, Henry (1665-1707): A Dialogue on the Death of Henry Purcell

Product no.: Hal1

Hall, Henry (1665-1707): A Dialogue on the Death of Henry Purcell

18,50 EUR

incl. 7 % VAT excl. shipping costs