Püttlingen, Johann Vesque von (1803-1883): Die Heimkehr
- Volume II: 15 songs

Product no.: EW627

21,00 EUR
incl. 7 % VAT

  • weight 0,28 kg

product description

for tenor [Bb - a'] or soprano & piano on texts by Heinrich Heine, edited by Martin Wiemer. This selection volume of the 88 songs comprising the important Heine settings "Die Heimkehr" is not only welcomed by Dietrich Fischer-Dieskau. The old MGG categorises von Püttlingen as the "most important Austrian Lied master between Schubert and Brahms" (sic!). Berlioz described "Die Heimkehr" as "masterpieces of humour, fantasy and grace". CD recordings: Lothar Blum (tenor), Bayer Records (no. 100387) and Klaus Mertens "Unerhört" (ROP6256), Rondeau label.

"Hector Berlioz described the songs of Johann Vesque von Püttlingen as masterpieces of humour, imagination and grace. There is nothing to add to this." Prof Barbara Schlick


 EW627.pdf (0.18 MB)