product description
cantata for soprano [cis’ - gis’’], violin (flute) & B. c., edited by Cedric Lee. This famous French cantata from the 3rd book is just as successful as Bachs Coffee Cantata and was frequently performed at the court in Versailles, above all when there were no theater per formances. Green Man Press
„Gegenüber der älteren Ausgabe (Bärenreiter) punktet Green Man Press mit einer luxuriöser Stimmenausstattung und Abdruck des Textes in englischer Übersetzung.“ Michael Schneider, TIBIA, 02/2015
Ber4_Noten.pdf (1.22 MB)
Manufacturer identification
Manufacturer identification
Name: Edition Walhall - Verlag Franz BiersackE-Mail adress:
Streetaddress: Richard-Wagner-Straße 3
ZIP Code: 39106
City: Magdeburg
Country: DE
Phone: +49391857820