Abel, Carl Friedrich (1723–1787): Sinfonia Concertante No. 2 D Major WKO 43 – Set of parts
Product no.: EW1269
Manufacturer: Edition Walhall
98,00 EUR
incl. 7 % VAT
product description
for oboe, Violine, violoncello and orchestra (2 oboes, 2 horns, 1–2 bassoons, string), edited as Urtext edition by Markus Möllenbeck with a piano reduction by Roland Steinfeld. This Sinfonia Concertante (Durata 21’), like the Concerto in C Major WKO 60, displays Abel’s mature style. It followed WKO 42, which, until his sojourn in Potsdam, had enjoyed an unusually successful ten performances within seven years, while the eleventh performance took place in 1783 during Abel’s absence from London. Series Il Violoncello concertato
Set of parts (3-3-2-4)
„Diese Ausgabe ist –wie die vorherigen auch – auf höchstem editorischen Niveau, mit einem ausführlichen Vorwort, dem Kritischen Bericht und Faksimiles von Abels Hand.“ ESTA-NACHRICHTEN, 92/2024
EW1269-Noten.pdf (0.06 MB)
Manufacturer identification
Manufacturer identification
Name: Edition Walhall - Verlag Franz BiersackE-Mail adress: info@edition-walhall.de
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ZIP Code: 39106
City: Magdeburg
Country: DE
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