Manufacturer: Edition Offenburg

Clement, Franz (1780–1842): Rondeau Brillant op. 36
Score and parts

Product no.: CL5197

Manufacturer: Edition Offenburg

29,80 EUR
incl. 7 % VAT

  • weight 0,28 kg

product description

for solo violin and string quartet, Wien ca. 1825, edited by Reinhard Goebel. In the AMZ we read the following about Franz Clement:  “ indescribable daintiness, neatness, and elegance; an utmost tenderness and purity of playing ... he has an entirely personal lightness which merely plays with the most incredible difficulties, and an assurance that does not abandon him for a second even in the boldest and most audacious passages...” (Allgemeine Musik Zeitung, 1805). A piece which blends violinistic skill with the Viennese sound. Edition Offenburg
Score and parts

Also available:
Piano reduction


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