Manufacturer: Edition Offenburg

6 Variations with a Coda after a theme by Ludwig van Beethoven

Product no.: VB2201

Manufacturer: Edition Offenburg

19,80 EUR
incl. 7 % VAT

  • weight 0,28 kg

product description

for violin and pianoforte, composed by Böhm, Clement, Hellmesberger, Leon de St. Lubin, Mayseder and Schuppanzigh, Wien 1824, edited by Reinhard Goebel. Presumably instigated by Leon de St. Lubin the most important Viennese violinists “around Beethoven” joined forces for this collection of violinistic aphorisms and aperçus. In October 1824, the Allgemeine musikalische Zeitung wrote: "A brilliant showpiece for virtuosos: of double interest, because the varied treatment of the violin in this compilation offers its own charm." Edition Offenburg


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Name: Edition Offenburg
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