Matteis, Nicola (17th century): Ayres for the Violin in Four Parts
Product no.: EW1225
Manufacturer: Edition Walhall
26,50 EUR
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product description
from “Ayres for the Violin Parts 1 and 2” for 3 violins (viola ad lib.) & b. c., published as first edition by Simon Jones. Matteis also adapted his famous 4 books for violin for 3 violins, which the British musicologist Simon Jones is now publishing for the first time, arranged according to suites. Score and parts. Series Collegium Musicum – Kölner Reihe Alter Musik
Selection Volume 1 (from Book 1 & 2)
„Es gibt wohl nicht viele Stücke, in denen ein Komponist den Schluss bewusst offen und zur Improvisation freigegeben hat („Andamento malincolico“, Book 2). Genau diese Ästhetik der freien und wie improvisiert daherkommenden Einfälle macht den Reiz dieser ungemein virtuos zu spielenden Musik aus ... wunderbare Ergänzung .“ DAS ORCHESTER, 02/2005
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Manufacturer identification
Manufacturer identification
Name: Edition Walhall - Verlag Franz BiersackE-Mail adress:
Streetaddress: Richard-Wagner-Straße 3
ZIP Code: 39106
City: Magdeburg
Country: DE
Phone: +49391857820