Viotti, Giovanni Battista (1755–1824): Six Sérénades op. 23 No. 1

Product no.: FU50535

Manufacturer: Fuzeau Edition

34,80 EUR

  • weight 0,28 kg

product description

Six se­re­na­des for 2 vio­li­nes, edi­ted by Béatrice Ernwein. Fac­si­mi­le of the Imbault-print, Paris 1810.An­ne Fu­ze­au Pro­duc­tions


Manufacturer identification

Name: Anne Fuzeau Productions
E-Mail adress:
Streetaddress: 2 Bis, Z.A. La Thibaudière
ZIP Code: 79300
City: Terves Bressuire
Country: FR
Phone: +33549729120