Manufacturer: Edition Güntersberg

Sainte-Colombe le fils (18th century): Viola da Gamba solo

Product no.: G380

Manufacturer: Edition Güntersberg

18,00 EUR
incl. 7 % VAT

  • weight 0,28 kg

product description

Tombeau pour Mr de Sainte-Colombe le père and the five suits for gamba solo edited as new edition of all known works of Sainte-Colombe le fils [the son]. The five suites and especially the Tombeau for the composer's famous father, which survived in Durham Cathedral Library, are among the most important compositions for viola da gamba solo of the early 18th century. The requirements are quite varied and range from pieces that can be well mastered by amateurs to tasks for professional players. Edition Güntersberg


Manufacturer identification

Name: Edition Güntersberg
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ZIP Code: 69124
City: Heidelberg
Country: DE
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