Abel, Carl Friedrich (1732–1787): Musik für Solo-Gambe

Product no.: EW935

Manufacturer: Edition Walhall

19,80 EUR

  • weight 0,28 kg

product description

music for Gamba solo (Drexel Manuscript 5871 and British Library London, Add.31697), edited by Susanne Heinrich. The intimate tenderness radiated by this music is certainly unique in the viol repertoire. Besides the two new editions, a facsimile (CAP 40) is also available.

• New edition in treble clef: EW935 
• New edition in alto clef: EW960


Manufacturer identification

Name: Edition Walhall - Verlag Franz Biersack
E-Mail adress: info@edition-walhall.de
Streetaddress: Richard-Wagner-Straße 3
ZIP Code: 39106
City: Magdeburg
Country: DE
Phone: +49391857820