Ortiz, Diego (16. Jh.): Recercate El primo libro Nel qual si tratta delle Glose ... Rom 1553
Product no.: OZ1142
Manufacturer: Edition Offenburg
39,80 EUR
product description
for viola da gamba (Violone) & harpsichord, edited by Masako Kirao after the exemplar of Madrid. Important new edition in Italian and appreciation to the three preserved copies of Bologna, Madrid and Berlin, which are different. The SPES facsimilie, which refers to the Bologna copy, is out of print. Edition Offenburg
OZ1142-Noten.pdf (0.62 MB)
Manufacturer identification
Manufacturer identification
Name: Edition OffenburgE-Mail adress: mail@edition-offenburg.com
Streetaddress: Sommerhalde 15
ZIP Code: 77656
City: Offenburg
Country: DE
Phone: +497819906350