Rüdinger, Gottfried (1886–1946): Sechs Triostudien für Orgel (Divertimento) op. 88
Product no.: EW1120
Manufacturer: Edition Walhall
13,80 EUR
incl. 7 % VAT
product description
for organ, edited by Heidi Emmert and Daniel Harlander. Rüdinger was a student of Max Reger and worked from 1928 as a professor at the Musikhochschule in Munich. First printed in 1933, these important trio studies are intended for advanced students. They are based on themes in the works of Pachelbel, Krebs, Bach and Reger and are also well suited for performances. Series Sacri Concentus Ratisbonenses – Reihe geistlicher Musik der Hochschule für katholische Kirchenmusik und Musikpädagogik Regensburg
„Gute Übungen zum Triospiel für den*die fortgeschrittene*n Schüler*in.“ SINGENDE KIRCHE, 2/2023
EW1120-Noten.pdf (0.17 MB)
Manufacturer identification
Manufacturer identification
Name: Edition Walhall - Verlag Franz BiersackE-Mail adress: info@edition-walhall.de
Streetaddress: Richard-Wagner-Straße 3
ZIP Code: 39106
City: Magdeburg
Country: DE
Phone: +49391857820