Compositori Bolognesi (II metá Sec. XVII.): Sonate e Pezzi per Organo  

Product no.: EW1033

24,50 EUR

  • weight 0,28 kg

product description

First edition with works by Aldrovandini, Anonimo, Bassani, and Monari for organ, edited by Jolando Scarpa. The manuscript CC.232 from Bologna contains important organ works by middle Italian composers, which are published here for the first time. Monari was in his time a successful composer of sacred works, while Aldrovandini was also known as an opera and cantata composer in Bologna, Ferrara and Mantua. Series Frutti Musicali

Watch and listen on Youtube: Video 1 | Video 2 | Video 3

„Die wertigsten Beiträge stammen von Bartolomeo Monari. Seine einsätzigen Sonaten sind häufig als dreistimmige Fughetten konzipiert.“ KIRCHENMUSIK IM BISTUM LIMBURG, 1/2019
