Brass Instruments
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Product no.: SBG03
'T Uitnement Kabinet (Amsterdam 1646, 1649): 15 Works for Three Melody Instruments – Volume III
19,80 EUR
incl. 7 % VAT excl. shipping costs
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Product no.: SBG03
'T Uitnement Kabinet (Amsterdam 1646, 1649): 15 Works for Three Melody Instruments – Volume III
for 3 recorders (violins, flutes, cornetti) senza basso, with works by...
19,80 EUR
incl. 7 % VAT excl. shipping costs
Product no.: SBG10
for 2 recorders (violins, flutes, cornetti) & b. c., with...
22,50 EUR
Padbrué, Cornelis Th. (~1592–1670): 2 Synphoniae in nuptias
13,80 EUR
incl. 7 % VAT excl. shipping costs
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